Tuesday 13 May 2014

Voting Dilemma

My postal vote for the up-coming European elections in a few weeks has arrived and it’s given me a bit of a dilemma. Ever since this country joined the European Union in 1973, I have never fully accepted the whole European Union thing. I suppose back in 73 it was strange for a 13-year-old to have an interest in politics but I did. I enjoyed such programmes as Panorama and Week in Week Out giving me a strong interest in politics and social justice for the people of this country.

The only way I knew who mum and dad were voting for was by the poster in the window, we never talked politics in the house, nor with my friends whose only interest was in the free balloons and stickers election time. I knew I was a Socialist and the Labour party was my home but always had moderate views, which I still hold today.

However, on some highly motivated subjects I can be more right wing than Genghis Khan, which are hard to come to terms with being a socialist sometimes.

I think you can tell where this is going! As no party is giving me what I want but UKIP, yes UKIP who are offering a straight pull out option. So technically my only options with my strong beliefs is to vote UKIP to leave the European Union. It’s the best way to register a vote to show the main parties to wake up and listen, a protest vote. I always vote and see it as my duty as a British citizen, if you don’t then you have no right to complain about Government or local government plans if you don’t agree with them.

I could spoil my vote but I don’t see the point. It you don’t vote your vote is still counted as it is believed you are content with the status-quo. The Tories have a wishy-washy option to offer a referendum, which they may or may not call for and anyway I could never put my mark against a Tory.

The dilemma is can I vote for UKIP on this vote only and still feel clean. There are eleven parties to choose from in my area but most are from either the far right or left and I put UKIP in the far right side of the fence.

Update … I have made my mark, my vote is ready to post, and in the end, I decided not to vote UKIP but Labour it was really a last minute thing. I still want out of Europe but will have to wait for a simply yes or no vote if there is ever one.

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