Thursday 3 September 2015

Unforgettable sex scene No.1

I like a good poll you know the kind the best of something like recently having my home city of Cardiff as one of the best cities in Europe to live in, I would agree.

There was a poll in the press today for the most unforgettable sex scene in a mainline movie ever. It got me thinking, well it would. I always thought the beach scene from the film ‘From here to Eternity’ between Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr was pretty interesting, which had, the censor a bit hot under the collar back in 1953. I find the suggestion of the sexual deed more erotic than full on films like 91/2 Weeks, with scenes out to shock.

I can really say some sex scene chucked in a film to titillate isn’t the be all and end all of a film for me because sex can spoil a good film. With me, its ends of films I like especially if there is a twist like in ‘Some Like it Hot’. I’m not a fan of happy endings or films were you just know none of the stars are going to die no matter how many bullets are flying around or how major the disaster.

Topping the list based on a poll of 2,124 British adults, conducted by VouchersCodePro it was the lesbian scene in ‘Black Swan’. The steamy action involved Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman that has been voted the best sex scene of all time.

The Hollywood duo - who play ballerinas in the Darren Aronofsky-directed psychological thriller - engage in some memorably X-rated action in which they share a passionate kiss or two before tearing each other's clothes off.

1) Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis 'Black Swan'
2) Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams 'The Notebook'
3) Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger 'Brokeback Mountain'

I have only seen the ‘Black Swan’ scene I haven’t watched the other two movies.

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