Saturday 12 September 2015

Corbyn wins but do Labour loose

I would like to thank Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies for another five years of Tory government you might have well voted Tory in 2020. Little has been said about the Deputy Leader election but on the coat tails of the Corbyn effect left leaning Tom Watson was the winner.

My loyalty to the Labour party is now going to be called into question by me because a Corbyn party is not for me although I like some of his policies. Fighting some long forgotten wars of the left is not for me sometimes listening to Corbyn it is as if I was back in the late 70s, early 80s. If you are some ‘anti-it’ kind of person – anti -NATO, nuclear weapons, rich, royalty, anti-America your new home could well be the new left dominated new Labour party. Re-opening coal mines will not go down well with the Green party but should have Arthur Scargill dancing in the street. I get the feeling those on the left of the party would quite happily welcome opposition politics 1n 2020 because they could stay rooted to their principles.

Plenty were convinced that Corbyn will romp home as his campaign took on steam, so was I, and some bookies paid out early. I blame this fiasco on the people who voted for him just to see someone from the left on the ballot paper. Didn’t they shoot themselves in the foot? I still class one of the greatest political speeches I have had the pleasure of listening to was one given by Neil Kinnock attacking Militant. I feel they are back under the wider branches of the left who may dominate the party leadership but the parliamentary party is far from being left inclined.

Everyone in the Labour party are talking love and fellowship for the good of the party now the leadership battle is over. However, I predict a bloodbath with the left having plenty of scores to settle and the Tory press and the Tories themselves loving the prospect. I can see over the next five years a war on the Blairites and the like with the weapon of choice de-selection to be replaced in favour of Corbynites.

The left are constantly saying the Tories are in the pockets of business but the unions are doing the same with Corbyn who is in the pocket of most of the unions has payment for their support. To me there is no difference between the two. Both supporter clubs filling up each parties bank accounts and I have no problems with either.

Today I would say there is no chance of a Prime Minister Corbyn come the next general election but come that change over the coming years I doubt it.

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