Wednesday 13 May 2015

British Sandwich Week

Its British sandwich week and I could write about it all day because I love a sarnie. What can be better than the humble sandwich: bread, butter and a filling you like - it must be the people’s favourite lunchtime meal.

My tastes are pretty simple most meats will do me but I’m not too hot on all the fancy fillings. I do prefer white bread but for health reasons I have had to embrace wholemeal/brown bread but from time to time, I slip back over the wall and indulge in white bread. You always get conflicting views on white vs. brown bread. One-day white is good for you the next it isn’t but the nurse at my health practise tells me brown bread is better and maybe it is, but I don’t have to like it.

However, the use of mayonnaise has a spread it’s simply not British. Everywhere I go if I fancy a sarnie I have to check if there is any mayo because I hate the stuff. Even in a plain ham sandwich these days you can find the spread is mayo. Sandwich spread should be either butter or margarine.

I am not counting bacon, sausages or gammon it goes without saying they would be top of any list of my favourite sandwiches. I regard a sandwich as something you throw together quickly opening the fridge door and minutes later it’s on the plate.

Therefore, what sandwich tickles my fancy and floats my boats - top of the tree is the ‘Ham Sandwich’ with the simple filling of tomato. Some good bread and a nice slice of ham with the aforementioned tomatoes is heaven in my book. I prefer butter to margarine but with a nod to my health, I use a light (less fat) butter spread. Not jumping to far from the tree Chicken and Tomato is another favourite with all the requirements as above. Another on my top five hit parade is Boiled Egg and Spam/Chopped Pork with Tomato I am very predictable and boring but I like what I like and you can see I like tomatoes.

My next sandwich is the most exotic in my arsenal tinned Red Salmon and Pickled Onions. Not cheap with a large tin of Red Salmon a fiver so you can bet it is an occasional treat in my household. Mash the salmon and the chopped up onions together placing the mixture between to pieces of fresh bread and eat away.

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