Thursday 4 January 2018

Groovy TV Space Chicks Part 2

Morena Baccarin - Inara Serra – Firefly

Whether it is commanding an alien invasion of Earth on ‘V’ the remake or travelling the galaxy in ‘Firefly’, Morena Baccarin does it with class. She certainly earned her spot on our list with her portrayal of Inara Serra on Firefly.

Inara is a Companion, a high-society courtesan licensed by the Union of Allied Planets (the "Alliance"). In Alliance society, Companions are part of the social elite, often accompanying the wealthy and powerful and today that would be a high-class escort. This hot lady of sci-fi isn’t disappointing to her fans she has plenty sex appeal as she drifts for scene to scene showing nothing more than a bit of cleavage and an ankle.

Tracy Scoggins - Captain Lochley - Babylon 5

Elizabeth Lochley became the commanding officer of Babylon 5, replacing her ex-husband John Sheridan. Her character was a straight-laced kind of commanding officer, by the numbers, one two three with no hint of enjoyment in her life it would seem.

My favourite episode is ‘River of Souls’ not for the main story line but another involving Lochley.

Station Security Chief visits an illegal holobrothel to shut it down but the owner as others ideas. It works by using photos of people to create a three dimensional copy of that person and people can have their fun with it with the help of a special suit. Later a security team at the holobrothel see a holographic illusion of Captain Lochley. She is offended, and further shocked to hear that her image is more frequently used by the brothels female patrons and later again returns and tosses a hand grenade and blows the brothel up.

Nicola Bryant - Peri Brown – Doctor Who companion

She travelled with the Fifth (Peter Davison) and Sixth (Colin Baker) doctors with the preposterous name of Peripugilliam “Peri” Brown an American botany student who decided to hop along in the TARDIS. She had her fair number of battles with enemies of the time lords and had a more fractious relationship with the sixth doctor.

While smart and fun, her personality was not what many remember her for either. What hot bloodied males and interested females remember Peri for the way she was dressed highlighting her ample bosoms, and they were ample? I don’t think it was her choice to have her assets so prominently on display someone at the BBC made that decision. The issue of the bosoms becoming a point of criticism from the likes of the Mary Whitehouse brigade. But you wouldn’t find me complaining.

Andrea Thompson - Talia Winters – Babylon 5

Winters is a member of Psi Corps and later becomes the resident commercial telepath on Babylon 5 and was stunningly beautiful. Although she was part of Psi Corps she seem to be no fan of the organisation she often worked against but once in the Corps you never leave and will leave Winters to leave the space station.

Her main interest and possible love interest although we never have it confirmed is with Lt. Commander Ivanova who dislikes Psi Corps. Winters finally meets Ivanova at the casino, where Ivanova apologised for her behaviour and related the story of her mother's experiences as an unregistered telepath. There are lots of longing looks and at one point, they move into Ivanova’s cabin but on between the sheets action.

Tricia Helfer - Viondra Denninger - Ascension

Helfer plays the beautiful, manipulative, and dangerous power broker on the star ship Ascension Viondra Denninger. As the Captain's wife, Viondra is afforded a position of power and privilege, which she leverages as the ship's Chief Stewardess.

She is not exactly faithful herself and with her position on board, she controls a group of beautiful young ladies trading their sexual favours for more control of the rich patrons on broad. While the rich party the currency of sex travels to the low echelons of the star ship. Thing was they were never in space on a hundred year journey to a new home out in the cosmos, but somewhere in the USA. I was surprised it only had one season it received good reviews from the Syfy community.

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