Sunday 14 September 2014

Fried Onion Sandwich

It’s a guilty pleasurer of mine, a fried onion sandwich. If you were to add some bacon, you would be officially in food heaven.
The reason for this blog post is after seeing a friend’s Facebook timeline praising a bacon sandwich (fair enough) with JAM, my stomach turned and I feel a need to instantly reply calling it murder. Why would anyone come up with such a monstrosity?
Has for me it is a bit of an unusual filling for a sandwich just onion it is normally an accompaniment with beef burgers and hot dogs. I came across this delicacy during a dark time in my life in a late night, early morning bout of hunger. The cupboards were bare, I had a great need to be eating something, and with an onion, looking at me it must have knew its time was up. I was a fussy bastard and hated onions in anything but the for mention beef burgers and hot dogs and I liked them close to burning.
So it was onion-chopping time, screw the tears, I was bloody hungry. None of this healthy eating malarkey. It was a lump of lard in the frying pan, add the onions, fry for a minute or two before sliding the fried contents on the pan onto a heavily buttered slice of beard (white), and whack the top on.
Truly heaven with some brown sauce and like I indicated early add some fry bacon and it takes you to a completely different level. If you went the onion and bacon route why not go the whole hog slap your bread into the frying pan for some fried bread. God knows what the calorie count would be but I couldn’t see it being recommended by weightwatchers.

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