Saturday 2 September 2017

Starcrash (1978) – Film Review - Caroline Munro

Take Caroline Munro slip her into a leather space bikini with matching boots, give her a ridiculous looking laser gun, have someone get some oil on her chest and we are talking entertainment. Now, add a plot that is reminiscent of Star Wars and a number of other film references and you still don’t have much of a film but I enjoyed it.

"Starcrash" is definitely the attempt to bring in the quick pound by riding on the back of "Star Wars". And the fact that "Starcrash" didn't have a big pound to spend is very apparent. This movie has some of the most appalling special effects I have ever seen and I am counting the production values of BBC’s Blake7. Both are just terrific in their awfulness!

Everything animated looks jerky and stiff and most special effects just look painted on in the style of the original "Star Trek".

Moreover, let me tell you, you haven't truly lived until you've seen a young David Hasselhoff in a light-saber vs. steel sword duel with a dramatically fake robot! Besides the obviously lame special effects, there are tons of things to love in this movie.

Munro as a robot sidekick, which could have been designed, built by the people from the BBC show Blue Peter and it voice sound reminiscent of a Texas cowboy. To hide his ugliness the robot was fitted with a sense of humour but that didn’t help.

Like the ridiculous outfits and make-up and the plastic-looking props. The real prize-winner though is the acting. It's somewhere between horrible and suicidal. Everyone delivers their lines like its Shakespeare on acid and the dialog seems to be written by someone with epic ambitions. It's epic comedy at least.

Remember the giant statue of Talos in Jason and the Argonauts we have a rip-off giant female robot ‘The Guardian’ with a fine set of boobs. I was unhappy and disappointed they did not conceal some kind of a ray gun or canon.

The film score if you can believe it was composed, conducted by veteran composer John Barry of James Bond fame. Maybe that was where all the money was spent because the actual film saw little of it. The cast included the notable name Christopher Plummer who must have had a tax bill or something to pay and a young David Hasselhoff hamming it up.

If you had an hour or so, to waste in your busy lives I would check it out there are full copies of the film on the internet and I watched it on YouTube. Go on I recommend it.

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