Tuesday 12 September 2017

I am Not Fat I Have Been Super-Sized

Obesity is the word on a lot of peoples mind only reading the newspapers earlier the debate is high on the agenda. Today can obesity be healthy? The experts say, no we are a pie away from a heart attack something not to look forward to a possible early death.
I don’t really eat that much which no one believes I just eat stuff regarded to be bad food. Being super-sized as brought a number of issues my knees are shot but x-rays can’t find anything wrong and I have high blood pressure and diabetes all control with umpteen tablets.

I need this diet to work because I would hate to pop my clogs before the final season of Game of Thrones. My very own fat could do me in.

My weight gain stems from the late seventies when I had a major mental break down and I began comfit eating which over the years have become a recurring problem. I grew bigger and bigger until yesterday.

Problem with dieting and me is I am a fussy eater most of which comes from the naughty shelf. One minute some researcher will tell you it is ok to eat white bread the next day brown is best how can you make the right life choices. I am not a club joiner so I have no plans to join ‘Weight Watchers’ and other such groups I will have to motivate myself. And I will definitely not be joining a gym.

I am a couch potato I suppose I much prefer sitting in front of a computer and blank exercise. Actually, I will have to get off my bottom, exercise, and get sweaty but I like the idea of walking. I have picked a route and have downloaded a steps app. The mere thought of exercise as wore me out.
Thing is I have never smoked and rarely drink these days I supposed laying off the junk and eat more healthy will help me. I am starting to ditch processed food for more homemade meals.

I’ll admit I’ve put on a few extra pounds, maybe more in the wrong places lately, but I was hoping no one would notice. And if they did, I was hoping they would be too polite to mention it and they usually don’t. There is no vanity reason for this diet attempt if I lose the weight I will be left with folds of skin not a pretty sight and with no guarantee of a operation on the NHS to remove excess skin.

Of course, it’s not as if I don’t know better and I have thrown snacking out of the door. No chocolate, sweeties, or crisps more fruit. Maybe I should skip that dessert after dinner wait a minute I never have dessert and thinking about it, I am not a fan of breakfast. I have a breakfast date in the morning so maybe I should swap my Full English for something a bit healthier or perhaps not.

No more fried foods but I use the light fry stuff that should bring in a few brownie points the same with butter/margarine we only use low calorie and I am back on brown bread. All I have to do is stick with it, downsize what goes on my plate, and feel happy about it.

I know all the excuses for not giving a diet the go it deserves but I really need this one to work for all the right reasons. The thought of death by obesity is not a pleasant one, though, especially since it’s preventable. I started yesterday. Maybe someone will come along with a magic pill to make people lose weight for real, as I can be weak.

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