Wednesday 27 September 2017

The School Disco How I Remember It

I was watching ‘To Sir With Love’ again today and it got me thinking of the good old school disco in the 70s I say that with a bit of a smile on my face. It was all we had when I was in school but it came and when just as quick as it started because we a British. I say British because we overall are reserved not ones for being flash.

I can picture it in my mind surrounded by mates laughing, giggling, pointing, and messing about.

I am reminded of the lunchtime dance in my old secondary school Mostyn, which took place in the school hall a bit of a stupid place to hold it was too big. It was nothing elaborate a record player and a pile of 45s with a couple of ‘Prefects’ with the duty selecting the music. No refreshments there was no need we just eaten.

I went to a catholic school so there was always a teacher or two hovering around just in case there was a chance of the whole think turning into Sodom and Gomorrah. It was always the same. The girls up for some dancing either together or in a group while the boys would lean against the wall and sit about watching. Crossing No Man’s Land to the girls was a terrifying prospect occasionally there was someone with the front to go over and dance with the girls and you always hated/envied those confident, jammy bastards.

No smoochy dancing strictly banned. I was not sure what the punishment would be but it could involve the Spanish Inquisition or a trip to confession.

Soon a few more would pluck up the courage to hit the dance floor then a mate would go over the top lured in by the dancing sirens. There was always one or two girls all the boys were interested in easily spotted she’s the one surrounded by boys. All the other girls would look on enviously and by time, I decided to make my move it would be time to go back to class.

Truthful I would rather nip out of school and go down the chippy than be a wallflower at the disco.

When we left school, there was no prom like there are today after the whole idea was transported from America. We just drifted away but thinking back, I would have liked a prom.

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