Monday 25 September 2017

Two Weeks Into My Diet

I was interviewed by me this morning to see how my diet was going two weeks in and the interviewer was adamant I must be honest and true with my answers. I thought to myself so the interviewer knows strength is what you need and maybe a goal. But this time I will see where I go from here having set no goal. No planned weigh-ins if my trousers fall to the ground I lost weight.

Interviewer Peter: You have been on lots of diets but they rarely last for a few weeks the best lasted just over three months.

Pete: I easily succumbed to bouts of depression and in that mode; I eat even knowing it’s wrong. So I could walk past a shop and buy a pie and hate myself eating it or go around the shop for the papers and come out with a couple of bags of crisps and a chocolate bar and feel the same. It is easy to eat when I am depressed with so much on my mind food becomes something to fill a void.

Interviewer Peter: You say you have not set a weight goal why.

Pete: I always in the past set a weight goal. I write it down in my diary but soon forget about it so this time I will see how it goes. I am not sure of my weight now I have an idea but I don’t care which could be part of my problem that I don’t care.

Interviewer Peter: Will your diet work this time.

Pete: I hope so as I would like to live longer. The media tells us fatties will die soon and how many fat old people do you see wandering about the streets.

Interviewer Peter: So over the last two weeks have you been a naughty boy.

Pete: I know brown bread is better but I have been mixing it with some white. A lean bacon butty just doesn’t taste the same unless its wrapped in white bread. I have down sized my meals and cut way back on the sandwiches. I had a small bar of chocolate and a very expensive small sausage roll and that is about it in the last two weeks.

Interviewer Peter: What are you eating have you made drastic changes.

Pete: No as I said smaller portions also we has a family are looking to throw processed foods were we can into the bin. Many maybe convenient but sourcing fresh ingredients and cooking from scratch is better even if it takes a bit longer.

Interviewer Peter: What about exercising.

Pete: On the cards but no gym, my plan is for some serious walking soon as my knee is fixed.

Interviewer Peter: Knowing you has well as I do what about Saturday mornings.

Pete: Ok I will tell. I have declared Saturday special day and I have a treat and that is two small Burton’s pasties its good to have a treat it is something to look forward to.

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