Sunday 26 November 2017

Christmas cheer here at Dugdale Towns but not everyone is feeling it

THERE is a lot of "Bah Humbug" in the press and on social media, generally everywhere. Some people just can’t understand, wanting to be prepared for Christmas, come on people get over it.

I don’t think November is too early for the start of the festive celebrations from TV adverts, to shop shelves and people putting up their Christmas trees and decorations. On the latter maybe, then people should stop nosing through other people’s windows. I like those big outside displays as on a dark cold winter’s night it lightens up the night. I’m old enough to remember when people would display their trees in their windows something you don’t see much of now. Again, it would spark up a dull street.

Personally, I enjoy the build up to Christmas. However, before November is a bit of a no go area even for me a well-known Christmas nut. I truly hate TV ads as a rule, but Christmas times my hatred weakens like for the John Lewis ad. We have all but a few presents wrapped and ready so our Christmas is sorted, no worries because we plan.

Why shouldn’t my local butcher be taking orders for Christmas turkeys. I mean you could leave it to the last minute for a bargain but more than likely you will be disappointed. I have my order in so I won’t be crossing my fingers on a wing and a prayer come Christmas Eve. Whine away but most will still be doing their Christmas shopping unless they really like the idea of doing it at the last minute and having a mad dash around the shops. If you can buy the must have toy in August why not buy it or spread the cost over the year, why not. Those late shoppers will still be complaining and moaning about the shops being full and the shelves empty and that must have toy for Jimmy or Janet sold out.

It’s bad enough that the spiritual and moral message of Christmas — forgiveness and goodwill to all men — is sometimes forgotten in the mad rush to Christmas Eve it should be remembered.

Leave the last minute shopping fraternity to the nightmare in the dog eat dog out there. While the much-maligned early shoppers are sitting, back looking at a tree surrounded by presents, full food cupboards, and full freezers.

While I talk of full cupboards and presents around the tree please remember there are people out there who will have a miserable time. They could be alone, unwell or have a lack of money so why not try to spread some goodwill around your community. If you have, something spare, remember you could give to a food bank, toy bank there are many supermarkets, and others collecting for the needy.

Below are some helpful links to donate in my home town of Cardiff. Although if you search locally where you live, you should find similar help in your area.
If you are in Cardiff’s St David’s Centre Just seek out Capital Street Stars in the shopping centre from the 1st – 22nd December and why not pick up a spare present and donate it and deserving kids across South Wales will benefit.

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