Tuesday 19 June 2018

650 words - That Diet Part 3 the Return

Ok the diet is back on today. It is Tuesday not a Monday my normal jump off point for me to start a diet. Bought a £1 bar of chocolate yesterday as a final treat and along with chocolate and other sweeties, they are binned as of today. If I want a little treat, I would rather a pastie or sausage roll from Burton’s or Pettigrew Bakeries.

I plan to make a number of changes to my diet, eat little, but eat regular and with the best ingredients that will have a cost to the food we buy but if it adds years to my life that is a win win for me as I close in on 60 years old.

I am thinking about a gastric band seriously. I would have to prove I can lose weight and will have to come to terms being left looking like a bag of skin not a pretty outcome. Told to lose the weight as everyone bangs on about it but the outcome will leave me carrying folds of skin that is ok for some, it worries me. It is difficult to get help on the NHS to sort out the excess skin problem with so many barriers up against you as a friend of mine can testify. He hates himself more now than when he was a fatty.

Weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, is used as a last resort to treat people who are dangerously obese (carrying an abnormally excessive amount of body fat) well I fit that description. This type of surgery according to the last conversation I had with my doctor was only available on the NHS to treat people with potentially life-threatening obesity that will not respond to non-surgical treatments, such as lifestyle changes. Again fits me down to the ground.

However, the decision to undergo weight-reducing surgery needs to be considered very carefully since it will have a life-long impact on the way you eat. Truly I would like to do it myself I would feel it a greater accomplishment. I have even taken the photo (never done that before) to show a then and after picture board to be published at a later date.

One of my main problems as always been… white bread, because I love toast and sandwiches so back to brown bread, yip… not really. Everything else it sorted really I just need to stick to the plan. Then you have scientists telling you white bread could curb diabetes (which I have) so should I stay white until other scientists tell me it gives me diabetes. I just wish they would make their mind up.
I better get to the doctors/nurse and get the ball rolling again, if and it’s a big if right now I was to consider a gastric band I would need to go along the official proving my ability to lose weight healthily before they throwing £5000+ at you for an operation. I would decline going along the route of joining weightwatchers or the like my mental health problems shut the door on that possibility.

I am going to have a diet where I cut out as much processed food as possible, fresh is best with lean meats and I plan to reduce the always untouchable Sunday dinner. Yes, I did say that because of all the diets over the years it as been sacrosanct.

Looking round the kitchen I had a slice of toast for breakfast and the possibility Beans on toast for lunch and after a search in the freezer I found some lean mince so Spaghetti Bolognese later. That should be a fair first day of my new diet launch.

This time I set a goal/target, which I will kept private for now because I don’t want to disappoint myself again. I have set a target weight loss to reach by Christmas.

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