Monday 1 December 2014

Those ruddy twist ties

When our boys were young, Christmas was about toys not an envelope with cash. We would enjoy going shopping wandering around from shop to shop and visiting the likes of Toys-R-Us.

You could easy fill a shopping trolley up with goodies. The kids would be in school so it would be peaceful without the pressure of the kids shouting I want I want in your ears. I simply had to remember to buy toys for my kids not the ones I fancied myself. Like a racing car set. You could easily succumb to the pretty picture on the box and end up buying something you would need a degree to put together. When a simple figure of eight track would have done just as good.

However, when you are shopping you tend to forget the nightmares you had from previous Christmases. No, I’m not talking about forgetting the batteries; I would religiously remember to buy them for each battery-operated toy. I remember from when I was a kid the disappointment of having a toy with no batteries and I am from a time of windup toys. Back then, shops were closed until after Boxing Day, longer if Christmas fell around Saturday or Sunday. Talking of batteries, would you wrap them up and give them as a present! I just remember having the discussion.

Come Christmas morning and the boys would be hurriedly opening their stuff up something would stop them in their tracks. Those little plastic twirley things that hold kids toys in the box. They must use some kind of twisting machine they are so tight my fingers where known to go red raw untwisting these poxy things. Sometimes they were so tight you couldn’t even get scissors in between to cut it off. Maybe I should have invested in a pair of wire cutters.

When you have three boys all wanting their turn to get at their toys it can become a bit of a nightmare and its never just one tie it could be has many as ten or more. It would depends on the size of the toy and moving parts. Those days have long gone now I rarely come up against my mortal enemy the damn twisted ties.

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