Wednesday 24 August 2016

Sex Robots - Androids - The Future

I was reading in the press yesterday about how by 2050, brothels will be manned by sex robots according to some professor. They would replace prostitutes but how would the National Union of Prostitutes and its members feel about the loss of work?

The prof is talking of several health benefits for clients like reducing the risk of spreading STIs, and won’t need to ‘fake it’ the same way has human prostitutes and the wife/girlfriend at home. They have already been given a name and are called Yub-Yum a strange name for a strange business.

They claim this futuristic club/brothel — will feature robots of all ethnicities, body shapes, ages, languages, and sexual features. I think someone must have watch the film Westworld where sex between humans and robots was expected. Westworld will soon be on your TV screen as a TV series a futuristic, adult-themed western amusement park.

How long would it take before someone somewhere cross the line of decentness because it is only an android? How about shagging an android of the Queen or some celebrity. Some nerdy Japanese guy spent (£34,000) on a robotic Scarlett Johansson and I am not saying he is shagging it but just pointing it out does he have the right to use someone else’s face. Can you married an android? You can bet it will be put to the test one day. We have animals rights how long before someone is calling for android rights.

He is where I am! There will always be a demand for the ‘real thing’ these androids would end up at the high end of the market so the death of the sex trade being made are exaggerated. Maybe androids will do everything for us in the future include going to work for us. 

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