Wednesday 26 April 2017

The Wheels on the Bus go round and round

The dentist this morning on the bus supplied by Cardiff Buses with free Wi-Fi you just have to love that. People knock Cardiff Buses they talk of smelly passengers, well I thought I smelt rather well this morning so were my fellow passengers. It is kids I hate noisy little buggers and teenagers making it loud with the music even with headphones on.

I got the number 65 my dentist is in the Dental Hospital a bit of a journey taking close to an hour to get there from my bus stop in Canton and then travel through , Fairwater, Pentrebane, Llandaff, Whitchurch to the Heath Hospital a scenic route be with no free Metro what to do.

Years ago round election time the nerd in me came up with this boring game to while away the time by counting election posters when on the bus or walking around off somewhere. Much easier today than years back with political parties, giving away posted boards better than looking at windows. That could get you into all kinds of trouble.

It was easy to see it was going to be a two horse race between Labour and Plaid Cymru and by time I reached the hospital Plaid were the winners but I did not see any for the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, or UKIP, could be because we have local elections before the big one.

Other thing I noticed was some guy was renewing driveways, his adverting was all over the place.

The passengers were a mixed lot. A woman got on the bus just after mine and no joke she was still on the phone as will put into the hospital. I looked around has I walked away she was still yapping away. I saw what I thought was a nice father and daughter running for the bus and the driver dually stop for them. However, after that kiss it was definitely not her father.

Some bloke jumped on the bus and one stop later got off it was only down the road a bit maybe he was doing some shopping he was wearing slippers. An older lady hit the roof because there were no free Metro papers on the bus. Just before the hospital, a bloke out of nowhere run alongside the bus and tapped on the door, which the driver opened.

Sometimes you just know someone is not a bus regular and this bloke had all the attributes of being a light bus user. As he sat down, I knew he wanted the town centre but this bus was not going that way and I was right the soon as the bus turned he asked if this bus when to the town centre.

I told him “finally” I expand if he got off the bus in a few stops he could caught a number of bus going that way. I like being a ‘bus wanker’.

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