Tuesday 18 April 2017

To the polls - 2017 General Election

Well that was a surprise a snap general election. Announced by Prime Minister Theresa May this morning arguing that ‘division in Westminster as risk the ability to make a success of Brexit’ will have sent shivers down the spine of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour who are predicted to be on cause for a massacre.

It has only been hours since the announcement and the talk is Brexit so we can see where the next eight weeks are going. Anti-Brexiteers are seeing this as a final chance to stop Brexit and it is already being call the Brexit election.

The Prime Minister
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has welcomed Theresa May's decision to call a snap election, saying his party would offer an "effective alternative" to the Tories.

The polls took a battering after the last election but with Labour over 20+ points behind the Tories it is not looking good for Corbyn. In two weeks, there are local elections in some areas of the country and they have become even more important now for everyone as the latest position of their parties with the electorate.

Actual votes are better than polls few end up about local issues but are pointers to party loyalties.
I have always voted Labour but not this time I would never vote for anyone else. I do not like the politics of Corbyn and his cronies fighting battles of the seventies. We are yet to hear the bill from the unions for their support so this moment in time I will be spoiling my vote.

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