Wednesday 17 September 2014

Yes or No .. Do I care .. Not a lot

I don’t give a toss about the Scottish referendum vote; if they stay or go, it’s down to them.
If they do say ‘Yes’ I want a statement about the split sooner rather than later. You can’t tell me the government haven’t been planning for a yes vote. Are they going to keep the pound? The SNP seem to think they are. So one of the first things the UK government should announce is what will happen. It has been one of the biggest issues in the election whether or not they would keep the pound. They could keep it but without the backing of the Bank of England, it would be worthless.
I guess after the vote there we be reams and reams of news stories either blaming each other and the Yes vote will in particularly single out the English government. If the no vote wins, I expect Wales to get much of the same benefits of being part of the UK that has been promised to Scotland. My only problem with that is it will mean more ruddy politicians, which would depress me greatly.
From what I have seen and have read via newspapers and social media over the last few months, promises have been made on both sides. The SNP are promising the people of Scotland the world and then some. By using oil revenue and taxes on the rich the SNP are promising free everything. The oil will run out and so will many of the rich millionaires over the border were under a Tory government they get to keep more of their cash. The No campaign are promising extras on what they have now if it gets past parliament.
I am not a fan of Alex Salmond, if the truth were told; I can’t stand him, and the same goes for his pet poodle and deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon. I really don’t like Nationalists full stop be it Welsh, Scottish, English, or whatever so a vote for an independent Wales would never be my choice.
There is a nasty side to me that wants them to leave the UK hoping they would crash and burn and hammering on the door to come back in, cruel I am.

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