Friday 28 October 2016

Must see TV - Week beginning 28/10/2016 - My Choice

There was only one highlight of the week and that was the returning, ‘The Walking Dead’. Wow! And what a return – as I was expecting one but ended with two. Rick is a broken man by the end but I expect him to return to himself over the coming weeks. But it is what is going to be so interesting in the coming weeks watching Rick and his plans. It was a controversy opening with the media jumping on the violent. I must say I was shocked. It was brutal, long drawn out but nothing to complain about.

Saturday BBC2 – Harder They Come 10:30pm

Reggae legend Jimmy Cliff stars as Ivan Martin, an aspiring young singer who leaves his rural village for the capital city of Kingston, Jamaica hoping to make a name for himself. Robbed of his money and possessions his first day in town, he finds work with a self-righteous, bullying preacher and an unscrupulous music mogul who exploits naïve hopefuls. In desperation the simple country boy turns outlaw, at war with both the police and his rivals in the ganja trade.
This gritty, ground breaking film brought reggae music to the international stage, made Jimmy Cliff a star worldwide, and was a hit with me.

Sunday Discovery Channel – Alaska: The Last Frontier 8pm

Documents the Kilcher family who live off the grid outside of Homer, Alaska for generations. During the short summer, they have to plant crops and see to their farm, animals’, and repair and upgrade their homesteads. Hunting and fishing is a big part of the summer to stock up for the cold winter months. This season is reputed to be the hardest even for the families as the changing weather brings problems after problems.

Monday BBC1 – The Moonstone 2:15pm

These afternoon dramas have thrown up a number of gems to watch on the BBC. This time we are presented with a period crime mystery to keep us entertained that will be played out over five consecutive days. An adaptation of a Wilkie Collins’ detective novel with John Thomson playing the lead role Sergeant Cuff. He his tasked with the job of recovering the – the ‘moonstone’ which carries’ a curse.

Tuesday BBC2 – Arctic Live 8pm

Over three nights the BBC will be taking viewers to the Arctic with (crush alert) Kate Humber one of the three presenters along with Gordon Buchanan and Simon Reeve. This ambitious live show will chart life in the Arctic. Kate is in Alaska following offshore oil money while Simon reports on plans in Greenland for a huge uranium mine. Gordon is in Churchill, Canada, with the polar bears and the sea ice retreats.

Wednesday BBC4 – Television’s Opening Night: How the Box was Born 9pm

There are no recordings of the official opening broadcast on British television and this programme tries to recreate it. The cameras will be rebuilt with the advice of Paul Reveley (104) who worked with John Logie Baird the father on British TV in the 1930s. There will also be a performance of the first broadcast plus other information of the night.

Thursday Sky Cinema Premiere – Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

Still reeling from the death of their young daughter, Ryan and Emily move their remaining daughter and their Uncle Mike from New York City to Palo Alto, California, where Ryan has a new job designing video games. As the family settles into their new home, they soon realize that something isn't quite right, and that someone or something intends to use their grief for sinister purposes.

Friday Sky 1 – Hooten & the Lady 9pm

A television series that follows the story of two-treasures hunter thrown together one American Ulysses Hooten (Michael Landes) and the British Lady Alex Lindo-Parker (Ophelia Lovibond). Travelling across the world together, these two initially unwilling partners search for the world's greatest mysteries. From the Amazon rainforest for Percy Fawcett's long-lost camp, to hunting across Siberia for the 51st Faberge egg, the two explore the world of the mythical and legendary.

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