Monday 8 October 2018

Doctor Who - TV Review

The Doctor is back and I have to say first I have no problem with a female doctor to the point I don’t care. Fans praised the Doctor Who premiere Sunday and it was an enjoyable first outing and looking at the social media most fans thoroughly enjoying “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” and Jodie Whittaker’s performance.

Reviewing the first episode with a new Doctor can have its difficulties, as he/she needs to establish themselves by laying down their character. Jodie Whittaker could be looking to go along the line of a zany/madcap character, which we definitely saw some of that Sunday.

Every time The Doctor regenerates, we can expect a refreshing of the series, the character, and even the Tardis. Each Doctor has, historically, brought along HIS own version of the sonic screwdriver, this new one has been outed as looking like a famous woman’s sex aid, and comes with his/her own wardrobe, The Doctor style.

Family is a key theme to this episode with Tosin Cole's 19 year old Ryan Sinclair, a young man with a lot of heart and frustration as he attempts to overcome his difficulties with dyspraxia by attempting to ride a bike, guided by nan Grace (Sharon D. Clarke) and her husband of three years Graham (Bradley Walsh).

After Ryan throws his bike over the hill in frustration, he is left to find it while Grace and Graham take the train home. His encounter with a mysterious alien device in the woods, leads him to call the police and reunite with old school friend-turned strong willed trainee police officer Yasmin - Yaz - Khan (Mandip Gill).

Everyone meets on the last train from somewhere to somewhere and as they fight off some alien The Doctor drops in through the roof of the train. The new Thirteenth Doctor misplaced her TARDIS. She soon gathered a crew of companions, three in all. At one point, it looked like there would be four but granny died. There was a good balance to the opening and it will be interesting to see how they develop as a group.

We were soon on familiar ground, as Whittaker’s Doctor chased a mysterious, Predator-inspired alien who was on a hunt of DNA. The alien hunter later reveals his face laced with human teeth trophies. Like most of the Doctor’s after regenerating, they take some time to realise what and who they are but when they do it comes with a “I am The Doctor” as they face off an alien.

It is way too early to gauge where Whittaker fits in the pantheon of Doctors, but her hyperactive, clever and funny performance

She spends the entire adventure in remnants of Peter Capaldi’s outfit until Yaz points out she really needs a change. And, for what I have to believe has to be a first (correct me if I'm wrong), The Doctor SHOPS for her outfit. Normally the Doctor would nip to the dressing room on the Tardis not a charity shop. If she was on the for mentioned Tardis maybe she would have donned one of Leela’s outfits the companion of the Fourth Doctor tight leather outfits.

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