Wednesday 17 October 2018

I reckon there will be no deal

I voted to remain in Europe much to my shock and anyone who knew me when talking politics I always emphasised I hated the European Union and always said if we had a vote, I would vote out. To this day, I have no idea why I voted as I did what I do remember was looking at my voting slip and making my mark.

I was not excited about what I did and even when I think about the result being a lapsed leaver I knew the leavers would win maybe that was why I voted as I did, a sympathy vote. I was happy to be leaving and would have been happy to stay a situation I find strange. But the losers were not happy from day one demanding another vote and basically calling leavers racists and my favourite deniers.

 The leavers still pipe on about the remainers not knowing what they were voting for but yes they did to get out of Europe and I can tell you now no politician made me vote remain, it was all my decision.
However, over the months my annoyance with the sulking remainers as just grown and talk of a “Peoples Vote” as push me over the wall. First ‘Peoples Vote’ what a joke it would be better named ‘Politicians Vote if you are a remainer’ I am one of those people and I am NOT calling for a second vote. Maybe the remainers should crowd fund to pay for the cost of another vote and maybe raid the European Union piggybank.

If there were such a vote, I would be a leaver this time without a doubt and for the reason just look to the politicians and officials of the organisation who have no idea of democracy after the people of this country voted out.

Take the Irish they vote no to the Treaty of Nice, 2001 but another vote was held and would have been held repeatedly until they got a yes vote but on the second vote, they voted yes. Again, they voted no for the Treaty of Lisbon but after amendments, they voted yes on a second poll. We are leaving and they don’t like that we want a trade deal and they don’t like that, so they have been piling up the pressure on the British Government to cave in to their demands.

They have to play tough because others would like to walk away from the club given the chance like Italy for one. I say the club on paper it includes the UK of 28 but it has always be a club of two, Germany and France calling the shots. I am old fashion enough to think most of Europe owe us something for standing firm during the Second World War as if we didn’t Europe would be full of German sausage eating Nazis.

Joking aside May will come back with nothing after her latest talks about leaving Europe and we will be leaving with no deal. In that case, all the energy of the government should be on making the switch over work. Drop the backup and tell them no divorce bill we paid in full during WW2 and since. I can’t understand why it’s ok for a plane and train to land and arrive on the day before we leave the next day maybe they can’t.

The Irish border seems to be the obstacle with the EU calling for a hard border with customs and all that means even splitting Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK. If they want a border let them build it, it does not mean we have to except it just cannot see any British Government breaking up the union because the EU wants it, maybe the Labour Party. No deal will mean the Scots looking for another attempt at a referendum on Scottish independence giving up one union to join another bigger union where they will have little influence on policy.

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