Tuesday 30 October 2018

My TV Licence As Arrived

My TV licence dropped through my letterbox not something I look forward but more than willing to pay because I love the BBC. People continue to knock the corporation and the cost of the licence while they are splashing out hundreds and hundreds of pounds on subscription packages for the likes of Sky, Virgin, and BT.
Does anyone not watch or listen to the BBC?

People say they do but I find it hard to believe most of my friends who begrudge paying the licence have the standard reasons. Ask them how to pay for the BBC. Commercials is the normal retort fired back at you, but no one likes commercials. Another copout is they don’t watch the BBC but a friend who happily tells me he doesn’t watch was happy to praise Blue Planet for someone who never watches Aunty (BBC).

The current cost of an annual colour TV licence is £147, that is just £2.80+ a week and if you have a black and white TV just £48 a year. If you have a black and white TV, kudos to you that’s a statement if you had one just to not pay for the colour licence.

Who decides what most of these overpaid presenters is paid. Well everyone now because the BBC have to tell us. The for mention friend just messaged me to say he likes watching certain BBC shows but he isn’t paying for it not because he can’t afford it but because ‘They’ tell me I have to pay and all tied up with the threat of prison. Says the man with the full Sky TV package. But he must be paying it because he isn’t been to prison.

The BBC could never catch a break. The right say it is biased to the left and vice versa with the left saying biased to the right raped up by the loons on social media. Social media from the left saw BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg need a bodyguard at the Labour party conference and earns in the range £200,000 – £249,999. It is not right.

I don’t think the BBC is biased.

Just do your duty a buy your licence or take the option of a holiday in prison.

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